Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Not Me Monday (except it's Tuesday)!

This is something new I'm going to try on my blog 1. because I think some of you might get a kick out of my household follies, 2. because it'll be fun to look back on one day and 3. because this is MY blog and I want to...so there!

The purpose is to confess all the crazy things that's happened to me during the week but hiding them behind a "Not me" statement. Ready? Here goes nothing!

I definitely did not leave Parker alone eating a yogurt while I went to my room to get dressed only to return to the kitchen a few minutes later and find him elbow deep in it. He did not also use it as finger paint to paint my kitchen table. That would never happen to me!

Half way to Disney on Ice I did not realize I had forgotten to bring a diaper for Parker. Nor did my sister have to ask one of the ladies sitting next to us if she had a diaper I could borrow. I also would never forget to bring a change of shorts for Parker when we went to the fountains and have to go to Gymboree and buy him a pair. Then, once in the store I definitely would not also end up buying him a new shirt, swimsuit and romper for Carter! Seriously, I think I have a problem!

I would not sleep so late on Mother's Day morning that we missed church. Dear Lord please for give me!

Carter has been sleeping so well lately that he did not wake up Monday morning at 1:00am to eat. It's almost as if he was saying Mother's Day is over, time for you to remember who's the boss around here ;)

Parker has a deep love for watching big trucks as we drive around town. He knows the interstate is the best place for him to see them and even knows which way we have to turn out of our neighborhood to get to the interstate. So the other day when we were leaving the house and he kept telling me to turn in the direction of the interstate and I didn't he did not have the BIGGEST fit EVER! My little angel would never do something like that.

Well I don't know about you but that was kind of freeing! PS next week this will be posted on Monday (or at least that's the goal).

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Yah! I LOVE "not me mondays"!! I think it's therapy for me :) Can't wait to see it next week. Hope you have a good week!