Wednesday, August 26, 2009

They call me...Scrunchy Face!

This is Carter's new favorite face to make!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Week of Mommy School

Here are some of the activities and projects Parker and I did in our first week back at Mommy School! I think he likes Mommy School even better than he did last year!
First we made cloud dough. It is a little softer to mold with than regular play dough which makes it easier for preschoolers to manipulate. I would post the recipe but I got it out of the Hands on Homeschooling book and she has a copy right on all of her materials. I'm sure if you wanted to make this with your child you could google it and find a recipe fairly easily.

We also made a Cars Lapbook. I got all the printables and instructions to make this book from a blog called Tot School. Here is the link to this Lapbook! I think I had about as much fun making it as Parker did playing with it!

In our Bible Study we're discussing The Story of Creation so I thought it would be fun to do a craft that explains and shows all the things God has created. We made this creation mobile found at DLTK.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We have a sitter...

The little man can finally sit on his own pretty well! He's still a little wibble wobble but for the most part he's pretty stable. Just see for yourself!

Parker loves brother's new found accomplishment!

This really has nothing to do with sitting but Carter has started making this face today. He does it when he gets excited about something! It is so funny!

This is the only picture I got from my Dad's house. That cutie on the right is my step sister's little girl. Isn't she a doll!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back in School

I started the first day of Parker's mommy school today. We did this last year using this program and although it was really helpful, the combination of being pregnant and then having a newborn didn't help me to stick with it like I should have. Aside from all of this Parker still managed to learn a few things ;) I'm going to list them here so at the end of this school year I can see how far he's come and all he's mastered!

  • He knows all he's upper case letters by site and a few of the lower case
  • He also knows the sounds a few of the letters make
  • He can count to ten but doesn't know them by site yet
  • He knows all of his basic shapes
  • He knows all of his colors
  • He knows several songs such as: Patty Cake, The Wheels on the Bus, and God is so Good
  • Is saying his prayers at night and with a little prompting he can even think of a few things to pray about or thank God for on his own

This year I'm not planning on using any curriculum in particular. I've gone through the Hands on Homeschooling 2 year old guide and will focus on what he didn't get from last year as well as working on some things from the HOH 3 year old program. A friend told me about Tot School and I have found MANY ideas for projects and activities I want to do with Parker from this site. I'm also using many of the free printables from DLTK. I'm SOOOO excited about this year! I'll be posting some of the more exciting activities we do along with pictures!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

And he's off...

While the boys were away Carter mastered the army crawl! He was moving a little when he left but now he can go from one side of the room to the other! I told Bobby I was going to call him my backwards boy because while he can crawl, he still can't sit up completely unsupported and while he does now have two top teeth they are not his two front teeth...they're his incisors! Bobby keeps saying he looks like he has fangs, haha! Here's a video of the little guy in action!

Mr. Fang!!!

Away too long!

I've been absent from our dear blog for far to long but we've had a very busy couple of weeks! Last week the boys went to stay with Bobby's parents for 5 days while Bobby and I stayed home (well I stayed home, Bobby had to work). I was a little apprehensive about being away from them for so long, but it was a wonderful and much needed break...thanks a ton Nana and Papa! While they were gone I was able to get some sewing done for the boys that I've been puting off for a while. I got several outfits done for them but not nearly as many as I would have liked. I also did a little shopping. Mobile has some great little boutiques and antique stores I've seen while driving here and there but I've never had the chance to go in. I didn't buy anything but it was REALLY nice just to be able to browse without worrying if a) someone is going to break something, b) someone needs to go potty or have a diaper changed, or c) have a complete meltdown and needs to be carried out of the store kicking and screaming. Bobby and I also were able to get in a game of golf one morning. I hadn't played in a REALLY long time and not that I was a pro before but my absence from the game we very apparent. We had a good time anyway! I can't wait for the days when it will be easier for us play more together.

We went to pick up the boys on the way to my Dad's where we stayed for the weekend. We had a great time visiting with them. Dad and Dixie live on a good bit of land and Parker had a blast exploring with Poppy and Grammy. We also went to the zoo and Parker LOVED seeing all the animals. Dixie's son and daughter came over one evening for dinner and the kiddos had a great time playing together! It made me wish even more that we lived closer!

There is a lot more I could say about our stay but no time. Also, we did take pictures of our visit just not with my camera so I'll try and get some and post them later.