Saturday, May 30, 2009

Welcome Back Sale

Check out Hannah Jo Creations Blog for info on my Welcome Back Sale that will be begin on Monday when I reopen my shop!!! I'M SOOOO EXCITED!!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I meant to post an update on Carter's doctors appointment last week but I've had so many other posts to make and some how this one got lost in the shuffle. So here it is!

Carter went for his 4 month check up last Monday and he weighed 13lbs 1oz and is now 25 inches long! He's getting so big! I noticed tonight he's pj's are starting to get a little too short and they're 3-6 months! I looked back at Parker's weight when he was 4 months and I can't believe he was at 18lbs and 15oz! I think Carter's going to be my little guy which is just fine with me! Maybe he'll be able to get a little more wear out of his clothes than Parker did ;) He also got two shots and was pretty fussy the entire afternoon but the next day he was back to his happy little self! He's sleeping about 8 to 9 hours at night still. I'm hoping within the next couple months he'll cut out that early morning feeding (around 4:00 or 5:00) and start sleeping until 6:00 or 7:00. I'm trying not to complain too much because I know it could be A LOT worse! He's also starting to laugh when I tickle him under his neck and I can even get a little laugh out of him when we play peek-a-boo! I just love this age!

Tonight we gave him his first taste of cereal and he LOVED it! He ate the entire bowl! I'm hoping this means he's going to be good eater like his big brother! Here's an action shot of the meal, sorry it's a little fuzzy.

Here are a couple other pictures of the big boy!

Carter with his best bud, Duckie Man!

Not Me Monday!

It's that time again! Time for me to come clean about all the things I did or didn't do this past week. Please keep all laughter to a minimum, thanks!

I was in a fog this past week after being awaken by Parker at around 6:00am so when he asked for some juice I definitely didn't get a glass out of the dishwasher only to find out later, after I had given him juice in that cup a couple times, all the dishes in there were dirty. I would never do something so absent minded!

I would never have to wash a load of towels three separate times because I kept forgetting to put them in the dryer and they had started to smell a bit sour.

On another cleaning note, we have ants. The reason we have ants would not be because I had a mound of dishes in the sink which contained a couple of Parker's syrup soaked plates he'd had waffles on. I'm not such an horrible housekeeper that that would happen to us!

I know boys love bugs so it's a good thing I don't have a 2 year old male that likes to play in ant beds. Every time I turn around the child has his hands all in the ant beds in our yard as if they are mini sand boxes (that is if he would ever do something so mischievous, which of course he wouldn't). And can you believe he's not been bitten, seriously not even one little bit!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hannah Jo Creations

Please check out for info. about the reopening of my shop! I'm soooo excited about what's to come!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day!!! It started on Sat. when Bobby watched the boys so I could go get a pedicure. It was fabulous and MUCH needed! Sunday morning he let me sleep in and when I woke up he had my favorite breakfast (a bacon and egg bagel sandwich combo from McDonald's, in case you were wondering) waiting for me! Parker brought me the card he picked out from him and Carter and told me Happy Mother's Day or something kind of like it. That afternoon while Parker was asleep I was feeding Carter and he fell asleep. Normally when he does this I will wake him up (and I almost did) because I don't want him to get in the habit of nursing himself to sleep but this afternoon I decided to just let him be. It was so nice just holding him and starring at his little sleeping face.

While my baby was slumbering, I decided to do a little web surfing and came across the Wallace Family. In case you don't have time to visit their site and read all about this precious family I'll give you the condensed version of their story. They're a family of 6 that was recently reduced by one, you see their 14 month old little girl was born with a rather serious heart condition and two weeks ago mother's day she went home to be with Jesus. The blog is being written by her father and he is very open about what their family has been going through during this extremely difficult time. By the time I finished reading all his posts I was bawling like a baby. I just kept looking at Carter and praising God for the health of my babies. I can't imagine the pain they must be in right now, especially so close to Mother's and Father's day so I just ask for prayers on behalf of them and their family.

After every one's nap Bobby and the boys took me to Shogun Japanese Steakhouse! I think I've posted about this restaurant before but I can't iterate enough just how AWESOME the food is. Needless to say they practically had to roll me out of there...oh so yummy!

This Mother's Day was extra special for me as this was the first with my completed family (barring God doesn't have other plans for us). Knowing this is the first of many Mother's Days I am able to spend with the two loves of my life is so heartwarming. They truly are the greatest gifts I have ever been given and I praise the Lord everyday that He chose me to care for and nurture them. God is GOOD!

Not Me Monday (except it's Tuesday)!

This is something new I'm going to try on my blog 1. because I think some of you might get a kick out of my household follies, 2. because it'll be fun to look back on one day and 3. because this is MY blog and I want there!

The purpose is to confess all the crazy things that's happened to me during the week but hiding them behind a "Not me" statement. Ready? Here goes nothing!

I definitely did not leave Parker alone eating a yogurt while I went to my room to get dressed only to return to the kitchen a few minutes later and find him elbow deep in it. He did not also use it as finger paint to paint my kitchen table. That would never happen to me!

Half way to Disney on Ice I did not realize I had forgotten to bring a diaper for Parker. Nor did my sister have to ask one of the ladies sitting next to us if she had a diaper I could borrow. I also would never forget to bring a change of shorts for Parker when we went to the fountains and have to go to Gymboree and buy him a pair. Then, once in the store I definitely would not also end up buying him a new shirt, swimsuit and romper for Carter! Seriously, I think I have a problem!

I would not sleep so late on Mother's Day morning that we missed church. Dear Lord please for give me!

Carter has been sleeping so well lately that he did not wake up Monday morning at 1:00am to eat. It's almost as if he was saying Mother's Day is over, time for you to remember who's the boss around here ;)

Parker has a deep love for watching big trucks as we drive around town. He knows the interstate is the best place for him to see them and even knows which way we have to turn out of our neighborhood to get to the interstate. So the other day when we were leaving the house and he kept telling me to turn in the direction of the interstate and I didn't he did not have the BIGGEST fit EVER! My little angel would never do something like that.

Well I don't know about you but that was kind of freeing! PS next week this will be posted on Monday (or at least that's the goal).

Monday, May 11, 2009

Disney on Ice and some cousin fun!

Last week my sister, her two children and her new boyfriend all came down for a visit. Shannon wasn't able to come down when I had Carter so when I found out that Disney on Ice was coming to town I thought it would be a great time for them to come and meet Carter and see a fun show all in the same visit. They got here right before I was going to start getting Carter ready for bed so he was getting a little bit irritable but being that he's such an easy going guy I thought he'd still be up for meeting his Aunt Shannon...boy was I wrong. I handed him over to Shannon and he was fine until she started talking and then he lost it! I don't mean a little fussy cry either! You would have thought she was beating him with the way he wailed. I tried several times that evening to let her hold him and every time he screamed. It was kind of funny considering he's NEVER done that with anyone else before. It must have been that he was tired because the next morning she held him and talked to him and he just smiled at her like he'd known her his whole life. Go figure!

Parker, Michael and Karmen had a GREAT time playing together. You would have thought they're around each other all the time with the fun they had! Seeing Parker interact with them also made me realize just how good it's going to be for him to go to MDO starting in June. He learns so much playing with older kids. It gets him talking in more complete sentences and he even seems to want to try new and different things he normally wouldn't just because he sees them doing them. Although I know not everything he picks up from other kids will be "good", I'm still very excited to see how much he'll grow from participating in the program.

Wed. night we took Parker, Karmen and Michael to Disney on Ice while Bobby stayed home with Carter. They had a blast! Then Thur. morning before they headed home we went to the Eastern Shore Center and let the kids play in the fountains. All in all it was a really nice visit! Here are some pictures from the few days they were here!

Disney on Ice: Worlds of Fantasy featuring Cars, Little Mermaid, Lion King and Tinker Bell

This is where they stood pretty much the entire time we were there.

Parker loved his Lightning McQueen hat, he's still wearing it around the house!

For some reason Karmen started feeding Parker popcorn. They thought it was hilarious!

Parker and Karmen dancing to one of the songs during Tinker Bell.

It's practically impossible to get all four kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time! This is as good as we could get!

Carter's 3 Month Pictures

I had Carter's 3 month pictures taken last Tuesday (yes I know he turned 4 months on the following Friday but technically he WAS still three months when the pictures were taken). Anyways, here's the link for the pictures. If you want me to order any of them for you please let me know and I can add them to my order. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies that visit my blogs, but especially to my mommy! You have taught me everything I need to know to be a great mommy and for that I am forever grateful! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Carter has just recently been able to hold his head up well enough to sit in his bumbo seat and he REALLY likes it. Turns out he's not the only one! Parker loved that he was able to sit next to his brother and put his arm around him! Too cute!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Where have you been all my life!

Mother's Day has come a little early this year! I've been wanting a serger for a while now but to be honest I was a little intimidated by them being that I'd never used one until now. Not only is it incredibly easy to use, but it's cut my sewing time in half!!! I made a pair of shorts the other night and literally from start to finish they only took me about an hour and half! Before the serger I was sending at least that amount of time just doing the overcasting stitch on my regular sewing machine.

As part of my Mother's Day gift Bobby is also letting me invest a little more money into Hannah Jo Creations so when I open back up in June I'll have several new outfit designs for sell. I'm taking the shop in a new direction and I can't wait to open it back up. I'm going to be posting some of my designs on soon so I'll post a link here when those are up.

Friday, May 1, 2009


I just realized I haven't posted anything since Easter! Not too much has been going on around here. Everyone is doing well! Praise the Lord Carter didn't end up getting HFMD! I can't tell you how hard I prayed he wouldn't get it. I can't beleive how fast the boys are growing! Carter has started grabbing at the toys hanging from his play mat and he can also hold his head up far when he's on his belly. He's such a sweet baby! Parker has been absolutely cracking Bobby and I up with some of the things he says. When Bobby leaves to go somewhere and tells Parker bye he always say "Bye man!". Most of the time Parker just says "bye bye" but this morning I guess he finally realized what Bobby was saying because he said "bye man" right back! We just busted out laughing. Then the other night Bobby told him it was time to take a bath and Parker says, just as serious and matter of fact, "I take bath in morning, k?" The way he said it was just too funny so we decided to let him skip a bath that night. I can't wait until Carter starts talking. I having a feeling the both of them together are going to have us rolling in the floor!

Earlier this week I took Parker to sign him up for he's "school" aka MDO. He was SO excited and while the director was showing us around he kept asking if he could go in his classroom and play. I don't think I'll have any problem with him wanting to go each week ;) He'll also be starting a summer camp at the Watermelon Patch in June and he's pretty excited about it too!

Next week my sister is coming down and we're taking her two kids and Parker to Disney on Ice. I think they're really going to like it! I post some pictures next week. Now for the reason most of you visit my blog, PICTURES!