Monday, May 18, 2009


I meant to post an update on Carter's doctors appointment last week but I've had so many other posts to make and some how this one got lost in the shuffle. So here it is!

Carter went for his 4 month check up last Monday and he weighed 13lbs 1oz and is now 25 inches long! He's getting so big! I noticed tonight he's pj's are starting to get a little too short and they're 3-6 months! I looked back at Parker's weight when he was 4 months and I can't believe he was at 18lbs and 15oz! I think Carter's going to be my little guy which is just fine with me! Maybe he'll be able to get a little more wear out of his clothes than Parker did ;) He also got two shots and was pretty fussy the entire afternoon but the next day he was back to his happy little self! He's sleeping about 8 to 9 hours at night still. I'm hoping within the next couple months he'll cut out that early morning feeding (around 4:00 or 5:00) and start sleeping until 6:00 or 7:00. I'm trying not to complain too much because I know it could be A LOT worse! He's also starting to laugh when I tickle him under his neck and I can even get a little laugh out of him when we play peek-a-boo! I just love this age!

Tonight we gave him his first taste of cereal and he LOVED it! He ate the entire bowl! I'm hoping this means he's going to be good eater like his big brother! Here's an action shot of the meal, sorry it's a little fuzzy.

Here are a couple other pictures of the big boy!

Carter with his best bud, Duckie Man!

1 comment:

The Ranew Family said...

He is so adorable. I can't believe how big he's getting. I'm glad he did so good on his cereal.