Saturday, November 20, 2010

Washington Square

I've been looking for a new place to take picture of the boys so a friend told me about Washington Square. I was looking for a park or something that had some of those beautiful fall trees I've been seeing around town and while the square didn't have any trees like that in it, there were a couple in the yards surrounding the park. The houses lining the park's boarders were beautiful. I just LOVE old southern homes and this square was in no shortage of them. It also had some beautiful oak trees with low swinging branches that Parker had a blast hanging from. I really didn't even plan on taking any pictures while we were there but I grabbed my camera on the way out just in case! Take a look at some of my just in case shots! Although I love the way Parker looks in these pictures I must confess, I tried something new with my camera when I took these pictures and I'm not really sure why but they came out a little grainy. Needless to say I won't be using that setting again ;)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Around and around

Ring around

the rosie,

pocket full

of posies.



We all fall


Hodge Podge

This is going to be a hodge podge post if there ever was one. Nothing too exciting has been going on around here other than we FINALLY put our house on the market!!! I'm excited and rather nervous about keeping everything nice and clean for showings but I guess it'll be what it'll be!

Since that's pretty much catches everybody up on our lastest and greatest I thought I'd leave y'all with a few, okay several, new pictures of the boys!

We've had some good times at the park,

Made some faces that I LOVE,

Gave a few super heroes a run for their money,

And a even snuck in a wheel barrow ride!

I guess with normal fun like this who needs too exciting :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat!

We had a very busy but super fun Halloween! We're in the process of getting the house ready to put on the market so most of the weekend was spent doing odd jobs around the house but we did take some time out to dress up and get a little candy. We got the boys in their costumes and took them to the Kid's Fest at Cottage Hill Baptist Church. While I think they had a good time, there was so much to do and I think they got a little overwhelmed with it all so we came home and did a little trick or treating at a few of our neighbors' houses.

In case you can't tell Parker was a shark and Carter was a scuba diver! After looking in a magazine with Parker to get an idea of what he wanted to be he saw a shark costume and fell in love with it. When I saw one at TJ Max I just had to get it for him! Then the trouble came of what to do about Carter's cosutme. I knew I wanted them to coordinate but I was having a really hard time coming up with something when Bobby said "what about letting him be a scuba diver". I thought it was a great idea but knew I'd never be able to find one in his size so Bobby and I made enitre costume ourselves and I think it turned out pretty darn cute. We even had someone take a picture of Carter at the Kid's Fest and tell us we needed to enter them in a contest of some sort, LOL!

Pumpkin Patch Portraits

We made our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch last week and the boys had a great time. The weather was so nice and crisp that I think the boys could have run around looking at pumpkins all day long! I got some pretty cute portraits of them while they explored the many different pumpkins at the patch this year.