Saturday, June 14, 2008

I'm Due with Number Two!!!

We have finally decided to start telling everyone that....we're having another baby!!!! We had planned on waiting until the first ultrasound but since I've been pretty sick we decided it would be safe to go ahead and spill the beans. We are so very excited! Of course Parker is still too young to understand what's going on, but recently he has become infatuated with babies! Anytime we're out and he sees one, he wants to touch its head and he talks about it the entire time! Hopefully he'll be as excited when his brother or sister gets here!

Our due date is Feb. 13, 2009! I go back in 4 weeks to have my first ultrasound. I'll be sure to post pictures of the peanut soon after!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Fountain Fun

I'm not sure how I missed this post but for Memorial Day Bobby and I took Parker to the Fountains at the Eastern Shore Center in Malbis. We had a good time but Parker wasn't as into the fountains as I thought he would be. He would occasionally put his hand or foot in the fountain but for the most part he just ran around, mostly away from us! Bobby and I spent the majority of the time trying to keep him in the fountain area and encouraging him to get wet. we went back to the fountains with our playgroup and he loved it!!! He was running in and out of the fountains and putting his face in the stream like an old pro! He had so much fun! We'll definitely be frequenting the fountains from now on.