Thursday, October 30, 2008

S'more of what?

I'm normally not a big cold weather fan but for some reason this year I've been so excited about how cool its been lately. I think it has to do with the extra heater I'm carrying within ;) So when I had to buy a bag of marshmallows for a school project with Parker, we decided it would be a great opportunity to let him experience his first s'more! He had no idea what I was talking about when I kept telling him all day we were going to make s'mores that night, but he could tell how excited I was and he got really into it! We had a great time and the s'mores were oh so good!

He couldn't wait for me to roast his first marshmallow!

Bobby working on the fire in our chiminea. We've had that thing for about 5 years and this was the first time we'd ever built a fire in it. Isn't that sad!

It worked really well!

Bobby doing a little s'more making!


Cheesing in between bites!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cousin Fun!

My mom, sister and niece Karmen stayed with us when they came for Parker's birthday party this past weekend and Parker and Karmen had such a blast together! They we're inseparable then entire time they were visiting! They ran around the house and played so well together! I hated that Karmen's brother, Michael couldn't come because I know he would have made the weekend that much more fun! I wish they lived closer so we could get them together more often but here are some pictures of them from this weekend!


Yesterday my baby turned two years old!!! It is so bitter sweet to see how big he's getting. His truely turning into a little person and is no longer a little baby anymore, although he'll always be my baby!

We had a very busy birthday weekend! Bobby's and my family came down to help celebrate his birthday. It was so great having everyone here! We had his birthday party at the exploreum on Sat. and he had the best time! I was a little apprehensive about having his party somewhere that they did everything for you, mostly because I'm a control freak, but it went so well! I absolutely recommend having a child's birthday party there! I got to choose from 4 different themes and then they did all the decorations, paper products, punch and even a cake from Pollman's Bakery (for those of you who aren't familiar with Pollman's it is one of the best bakeries in Mobile) to match the theme! Here are some pictures from the party!

On Sunday we went to breakfast with my family before they left and then we took Parker to Toys R Us to pick out a toy with some of his birthday money. He had so much fun running around the isles and trying out different toys before he settled on a Seasame Street Aphabet Toy (he's played with non-stop since he brought it home). Also if you join the Toys R Us Birthday Club you recieve a gift card to use at TRU, a phone call from Geoffery, and when you go into the store on their birthday they also get a balloon and a crown. Here is a picture of Parker all decked out on the ride home. I had to take it with my cell phone so its not very clear but I thought it was too cute not to post!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Parker's Birthday Playdate!

Today we had all of Parker's playgroup friends over for he's 2nd Birthday playdate! I thought the kids would enjoy decorating pumpkins so everyone brought the pumpkins they picked out at the pumpkin patch yesterday and we decorated them with all kinds of craft supplies! Here are a few pictures from the day. I don't feel comfortable posting pictures of other people's children without their permission so the pictures I've posted are only of Parker but I thought everyone would enjoy them anyways!

Because he takes so long to eat at this point everyone else had already started decorating their pumpkins!

I think he liked the cupcakes!

Pumpkin Patch

Each year our church puts on Pumpkin Patch where they sell pumpkins, have a story time and an inflatable bouncy house. Thursday my mommy's group and I took the kids on a field trip to pick out pumpkins. Parker had a great time! He kept picking up the little pumpkins and then putting them back in another part of the patch. At one point I even caught him trying to count all the pumpkins (he can only count to ten and sometimes he even skips numbers but it was still pretty cute!). Here are some pictures from the day!

Later that afternoon while Parker was taking a nap I decorated the front porch with the pumpkins we bought at the pumpkin patch. I thought I did a pretty good job but apparently Parker didn't like the placement of the pumpkins. Take a look at the pictures below to see what I'm talking about!

Maybe next year I'll do a little better job ;)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Friday's Doctors Appointment

I went to the doctor's on Friday for a check up and so far everything is still just great! I've gained about 14 pounds so far which I'm pretty happy with. I have about 18 more weeks to go and can still gain around 21 pounds (my goal is no more than 35lbs) so I think that's pretty good. I did measure a week bigger than I really am but she said that was normal for a second baby. He was moving around a lot while Dr. Stella was trying to listen to his heartbeat but it's still around 150 beats/minute which is just what we want. All in all it was a great appointment so I will go back in 4 weeks for the same type of appointment and then 4 weeks after that I'll have my glucose checked. I can't praise God enough for blessing us with two healthy babies so far! He has been so good to us!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Seward Farms

The Monday after we got back from the beach the ladies in my playgroup and I took the kids out to a local Farm where they've made a corn maze and have several other fun things for kids to do. The entire corn maze was a mile long but thankfully we only went through half of it, which as long enough! We had quite a time navigating our way through the maze (to be quite honest we got lost several times)! The kids seemed to really enjoy it and I was pretty proud of Parker for walking through most of the maze.
Despite the face in this picture he really did have fun and please disregard his shorts...I'm not sure what's going on there!

After we finished the corn maze we went on a ride they call "The Cow Train". It's kind of hard to tell from the picture but basically the seats were made out of barrels with wheels attached and the whole thing was pulled by a tractor. I ended up having to ride it with Parker b/c I was worried he'd get mid-ride and then decide he didn't want to be in it anymore. First let me say this thing was definitely not made for pregnant people! It jarred you so much I thought it was going to shake Carter right out. Secondly it was entirely too long but all in all I think the kids liked it pretty well.

After the cow train we went on a hay ride and then walked down to where they had some farms animals out in the petting zoo area. This was by far Parker's favorite part! He loved feeding the animals! He was making me so nervous though because he kept sticking his fingers in the goats mouth as he was feeding it the pellet. I kept thinking any minute now he's going to pull his hand back and he's going to be missing a digit but thankfully the Lord was watching out for him and didn't allow that to happen.

When we got home I was showing him the pictures I took so now when I'm at the computer he will come over and ask to see the "trator" i.e. tractor and "taaw" i.e. cow! I can't wait to take him back next year!

Beach Trip

Although we've been home from the beach for almost two weeks now, I thought I'd put up some pictures of our trip! This was Parker's first trip to the beach and he LOVED it! I thought he was going to be a little scared of the water but he walked right into the waves like an old pro. We actually had to make sure he didn't go out too far so the waves wouldn't knock him down. It was a great time of the year to go b/c there was hardly anyone on the beach and it wasn't scorching hot either. There were several times Parker would just take off running down the beach and we'd just sit there and watch how far he'd go. Bobby kept saying he looked like that dog on Funny Farm because he would run really far but unlike the dog in the movie he'd finally turn around and run back to us. Well, here are the pictures! Enjoy!