Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Son the Acrobat!

The other night Bobby and I were sitting in the living room watching Parker run back and forth from the kitchen to the living room and all of the sudden he stops, bends over and stares at us through his legs. Of course he thought this was hysterical! We're so proud of his never ending accomplishments!

I'm gonna get you!

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Boy and His Dog

As most of you all know Parker has been in love with our dog Lilly, or Yah Yah as he likes to call her, since the first time he laid eyes on her. It wasn't until recently that Lilly even paid him any attention but that never lessened his love for her. Now she'll follow him around as he plays in the back yard. It always cracks him up when she does this because he thinks she's chasing him.

He also has found that Lilly likes to crunch up sticks so he scours the yard for sticks to give to her every time we go outside.

Looks like he's found another treat for her!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Cool Dude

Ever since we went to Mardi Gras this year Parker has been wearing the beads he caught constantly! They are usually the first thing he picks up in the morning. These are some pictures of him playing with his full get up on. I think the sunglasses really complete the outfit!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Trip Down Memory Lane....

Since I didn't start this from the beginning of the Stinson family formation, I thought I'd give everyone a little refresher!

First comes Love...

Our First Picture Together

Then comes Marriage...

Our Wedding Day!

Then comes Parker in the baby carriage...

1 Day Old

Although he can't quite fit in a carriage anymore...

Parker Easter Morning 2008

he's still that precious baby we brought home from the hospital!

Now that everyone's caught up we'll start from here!

In The Beginning...

So, I guess I'm officially a blogger! I wish I had started this when I got pregnant with Parker so I could have a chronicle of his life on-line but I guess their's no reason why I can't start one now. I'll try to be diligent about updating the blog as much as possible and putting new pictures of Parker up so please stop by often! Until the next post, BYE!