Thursday, January 28, 2010

Carter at ONE

This is definitely a little over due but better late than never, right?

When he went for his one year check-up he weighted 19lbs 11oz and was 30.25'' long! His doctor said he's looking GREAT!!! He got a few shots and cried for a second but was over it really quickly!

Here are a few things he's doing right now:

*Drinking whole milk - he did great with the transition!
*Drinking only from a sippy cup - this was not quite as easy to transition to.
*Sleeping from about 8pm to 7am the next morning (one of my favorite things I might add).
*Is still taking two naps.
*Standing all by himself and trying to take steps but is not quite there yet.
*Tries to take toys from his brother any chance he gets.
*Is eating solid foods exclusively and loving pretty much anything I put in front of him (even the green veggies)!
*Will wave bye bye occasionally.
*Claps when you ask him to sometimes.
*When you ask him what the dinosaur says he'll roar! Its hilarious to watch! Can you imagine where he might have learned this little trick ;)
*Will say dada but not mama yet :(
*Loves throwing balls to anyone who will catch it!
*Loves doing anything Parker's doing (he's practically his little shadow)!
*Has 8 teeth and is in the process of cutting one of his bottom molars.

He is one funny little guy! In one respect I can't believe how fast the past year has gone by but in another it seems like he's always been a part of our family. We are BEYOND blessed to have been given such a wonderful little boy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Swings and Such

No more freezing temperatures = a GREAT time at the park! See!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Things to Enjoy!

Here are a few things we're enjoying in the New Year!

Our big guy is eating only table foods (he's not met a food he doesn't like) now and has mastered that pincer grasp!

Roaring fires!

Little guy standing all by himself!

Total fixation while watching the Land Before Time!

New counter tops (in case you were wondering we do have a faucet)!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Party time!

I can't believe my baby is already one! He had a sweet little party on Sat. with our family and a couple close friends! He loved playing with all the kids that came and tried his hardest to keep up with them all. Here are some pictures from the party!

I made both cakes, the big cake and his smasher cake.

I think he liked it ;)

I think this little boy liked it, too!

Carter loves the rocking horse he got from his Uncle Joey!

Opening his presents!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Carter!

I can't believe its already been a year since God blessed us yet again with a precious little boy! Over and over I thank God for the opportunity to parent such an amazing little guy! We are truly blessed beyond imagine! I can't wait to see what each year spent with you brings us. Happy Birthday sweet boy!