Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sweet 'Stache

My dear husband is currently working a rather big shut down right now. The way I know its big is 1. because he told me, 2. he's been working a lot and he's the supervisor which means he's not suppose to "work" shut downs anymore and 3. because there are several other guys working on this with him. Now I'm not sure who to thank for this SUPER idea but Bobby and several other guys he's working this shut down with decided it would be a GREAT "team building experience" to all grow mustaches together. I personally love how they call it team building when really we all know they just wanted an excuse to see what they'd look like with a mustache. They're going to grow it until the shut down is over, which should be just another week, and then shave them off! I cannot wait! While its given me quite a few chuckles over the last few weeks, its starting to take over our house. Well, just see for yourself!

The both boys LOVED wearing the 'staches daddy made for them! Carter kept walking around the house saying "Yaook! Yaook!" I could barely take clear pictures because I was laughing so hard!

There's never a dull moment around here :)