Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Portraits

I finally got around to taking some "portraits" of the boys with my new camera! I took these pictures a few weeks ago in their Easter outfits but with all the sewing I've been doing lately I just now finished editing them. I really like the shots I got but think I may go back in a couple of weeks when the garden is really in bloom!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just Like Daddy

Yesterday evening Bobby went outside to do a little yard work and Parker went out with him. When Bobby pulled out the lawn mower Parker went and got his bubble mower and pulled it up right next to Daddy's big mower! Bobby said while he was putting gas in the mower Parker said to him "Put gas in my mower too, Daddy!" so Bobby told him to go get his watering can and put some water in it. Parker opened the little compartment where you're suppose to put bubbles and poured the water in, LOL!

Then Bobby started tightening up some of the loose boards on the fence, so Parker ran in the house to get his hammer so he could "help Daddy".

Can you see the little plastic hammer in his hands?

After the boards were fixed, I came inside to finish cooking dinner while the boys were still outside helping Daddy. A few minutes later I see Parker throw the door open, run over to the toy box, and beginning rummaging through it until he found his pliers then he darts back outside. Intrigued I peek out back to see what he was "fixing" now and I see Bobby clipping some bushes with the limb clippers and Parker pulling the leaves off with his pliers. Bobby said as soon as he pulled out the clippers Parker said "I have one of those tools, too"! Its amazing what they're little minds will come up with, haha! He had so much fun being just like daddy for the evening!

Little Boys

Here are a few things you get when having two little boys around!

Amazing tricks

Busted lips

Dirty hands

Fearless acrobatics