Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fall Day and Thanksgiving

We've had really nice weather lately so while Bobby was off this Thanksgiving week we spent a lot of time outside. Parker loves playing in the backyard, especially with his daddy. They always come up with fun games that I never would have thought of. Here are some pictures I took one day while Bobby was trying to get rid of the stumps from where we cut down a few trees last year.

We spent Thanksgiving with Bobby's uncle's family being that I couldn't travel home like we planned. We had a great time visiting with everyone! We hadn't seen them in such a long time which is really sad being that we only live about 35mins away. The food was absolutely wonderful! Bobby's Grandmother and aunt are wonderful cooks and I had been looking forward to eating my weight in all the good foods all week long! Most of Bobby's cousins have children Parker's age so he had blast playing with them! Here are a few pictures of the kiddos taking time out from all their fun!

There are so many things I have to be thankful for this year that its hard to know where to begin. God has so richly blessed me and my family with good health, a warm home and most of all LOVE! I can't put into words how far His grace abounds in my life!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Carter's Nursery Update

I've been procrastinating a little about getting Carter's bedding done and the nursery ready but this weekend's little scare has really put the fire under me. I've got all the fabric finally picked out (samples are below), ordered the foam for the bumper pads and even picked out the wall color (I think?). I still have to get one of the fabrics and cording along with a few other little things to do some crafts for the walls but I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (sort of)!

This is the inspiration for his room and bedding! Isn't it precious!

I also want to do the cute little caterpillar on the wall in the photo below. I stole the idea out of a Pottery Barn Catalog. I don't think it should be too hard to do, I just need to find the right scrapbook paper to use for the circles. Cutie pie, huh?

I'll post another update as soon as I have some pieces put together!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Political Brainwashing

Before you watch the following video I would just like to say that we did not intentionally teach Parker this. As many of you well know the day after Barack Obama won the presidential election he was all over the news and internet. Parker noticed this as well and kept asking me who he was so I would tell him (much to my dismay) "That's the president, Barack Obama". Well after about a day of asking it had stuck and this is now what we're left with!

I guess this is what happens when you spend billions of dollars on your campaign! You brainwash the youth of America!

Monday, November 17, 2008

One Crazy Weekend

So the little man within has been giving me some trouble! He tried to make a break for it this weekend but luckily we were able to stop him. Friday afternoon I was having about 8-9 contractions in an hour so I called my physician and she said to go to the hospital. When I got there they put me on a monitor and gave me a shot of Brethin to stop the contractions. It worked perfectly and I was sent home with instructions to take it easy and drink lots of water. Well, of course it wouldn't go that easy! Saturday morning I woke up around 5:20 because my back was hurting and the contractions began again so I called my physician once more and again she said go back to the hospital but this time I'd probably have to stay for a day or two. When I got to the hospital they gave me two shots which made my heart race so badly I almost passed out from hyperventilating (which has never happened to me before so I was pretty freaked out). Then they gave me a two part shot of steroids to help Carter's lungs develop just in case they couldn't stop him from coming and some antibiotics to be sure this preterm labor wasn't stemming from an infection. They also ran a test called Fetal Febronectin which can predict whether or not you are at risk for delivering in the next two weeks and PRAISE GOD it came back negative. Although the hospital stay was uncomfortable and seemed to last an eternity, I was so fortunate to have really wonderful nurses and of course an awesome doctor. I feel so badly for all those poor mommies who have to stay in the hospital for weeks or even months on end. I would have come out of my skin if I'd had to stay one more night let alone weeks! Anyways, I've been feeling pretty well since I've been home even though the medication Dr. Stella has me on now makes my heart race a little and give me the tremors. Thankfully, she didn't feel I needed complete bed rest (and really how complete can your bed rest be with a two year old) but she did say to take it easy and again drink and drink and drink and when you feel like you've drank enough drink some more water! Although this weekend was a pretty crazy and a little nerve racking, I put my trust in the Lord that he would take care of me and Carter because as always his plan is complete and right! I think that knowledge was what held me together when I could have very well lost my mind! Thanks to everyone for their prayers and support! I can not put into words how much they mean to Bobby and I!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Friday's Doctors Appointment

I had my 28 week doctors appointment this past Friday. Dr. Stella said everything is still looking really good but she did put me on magnesium sulfate because I told her I was having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions in the evenings. I had to take this with Parker, too just not this early. I would love for Carter to come earlier than my due date but I definitely don't want him to come too early! Other than that everything is going really well! It seems like he moves non-stop, although I think that is starting to slow down as his quarters are getting a little cramped.

I now will start going to the doctor every two weeks and at my next appointment I will do the dreaded sugar test. I'm not looking forward to having to choke down that nasty orange drink again! I probably need to lay off the Halloween candy before I go ;)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

This year we decided to forgo the traditional trick-or-treating and try one of the fall festivals put on by a local church. Parker didn't want to wear his costume at first but after asking him 100 times if he wanted to be Elmo he finally gave in and let me put it on him. He was too cute and wore it most of the evening even though I know he had to be burning up! Here's some pictures!

My little "Melmo" as Parker likes to call him!

The church had the neatest kids area and Parker loved playing in there!

Parker and his friend Elizabeth, aka Snow White, about to go down the slide!

The church also had a petting zoo (Parker's absolute favorite), inflatables, a fire truck that they were letting the kids get in, a cupcake walk and tons of games. Although the church had a lot of activities Parker couldn't do, I still think he had a really good time! I hope everyone had a very nice, and super safe, Halloween!