Saturday, March 5, 2011

Throw Me Something Mister!!!

Has it really been over a month since I posted last on this blog?  We haven't had a very eventful Feb. except for a cold that wouldn't leave our home but I think we're finally all starting to feel better.

This past week Parker had his Mardi Gras parade at school.  To say he was excited is a bit of an understatement.  Last weekend we went to a little parade a local neighborhood put together and that's all it took for him to realize Mardi Gras parade's = all kinds of goodies to bring home!  He was so excited that now it would be his turn to throw out the goodies...that was until he realized he wouldn't be wearing the mask he'd made earlier in the week at school.  This resulted in absolutely no smiles.  Oh well, he was still the cutest little parade thrower I've ever seen!

This little guy however, was full of smiles!  He was SO ready to catch some beads!

I love that they were able to pick out the costume they wanted to wear!  If I were able to choose for him its exactly what I would have picked!  PS:  I just love that forced smile ;)

Look at the turn out!  So much fun!