Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fall Day and Thanksgiving

We've had really nice weather lately so while Bobby was off this Thanksgiving week we spent a lot of time outside. Parker loves playing in the backyard, especially with his daddy. They always come up with fun games that I never would have thought of. Here are some pictures I took one day while Bobby was trying to get rid of the stumps from where we cut down a few trees last year.

We spent Thanksgiving with Bobby's uncle's family being that I couldn't travel home like we planned. We had a great time visiting with everyone! We hadn't seen them in such a long time which is really sad being that we only live about 35mins away. The food was absolutely wonderful! Bobby's Grandmother and aunt are wonderful cooks and I had been looking forward to eating my weight in all the good foods all week long! Most of Bobby's cousins have children Parker's age so he had blast playing with them! Here are a few pictures of the kiddos taking time out from all their fun!

There are so many things I have to be thankful for this year that its hard to know where to begin. God has so richly blessed me and my family with good health, a warm home and most of all LOVE! I can't put into words how far His grace abounds in my life!

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