Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Park Trip

The weather was so beautiful yesterday that we decided it was time for Carter's first trip to the park! Although he slept through the whole thing in the ergo carrier, I think he really enjoyed being out in the fresh air (if nothing else Parker, Bobby and I really enjoyed getting out of the house)! We went to Municipal Park so we could feed the ducks and Parker loved it! Parker and I use to go the park on a regular basis before Carter came so while I was in the hospital Bobby took him and I was so surprised by all the things he's mastered since the last time we went. He's always been a little afraid of going down the big slides but that is no longer a problem! He was going down every slide in the park like an old pro!

I've only taken Parker to Municipal Park once when he was just starting to walk and although he enjoyed feeding the ducks then, he really got into it this time! I was amazed at how unafraid the ducks were of people. They came right up to us and Parker was able to feed them the bread we had brought right out of his hand, which of course scared me to death but he thought it was the greatest thing ever and he still has all his fingers so I guess it was okay!

I can't wait for spring so we can have more fun times at the park!
Isn't it crazy how close the ducks get!

Ooooh...I so thought my baby was going to come back missing a digit!

Cheesing in the swing!

Carter and I doing a little swinging, too!

Bobby and Parker playing the Xylophone

This is what I see when Carter's in the carrier!

Parker driving the "mint truck" as he likes to call it!

1 comment:

Christy said...

You just have to be careful of the gators in that water!!