Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where has the time gone...

It seems like we just brought Carter home last week! I can't believe that he's already a month old! Luckly, he is such an easy going baby and has been an absolute blessing. Each day he is becoming more and more alert and even staying awake for longer periods during the day. I can't wait for him to crack that first smile which I think will be any day now.

He had his one month check up yesterday and weighed in at 8lbs! I couldn't believe how much weight he had gained! It is so encouraging to see such a big weight gain while nursing so I couldn't be more happy. He's also grown half an inch since birth which puts him at 20inches. All in all he's doing great!
*I'll post more pictures of both boys soon*


Christy said...

His cheeks are chubby! I love it!

The Vaccariellos said...

I was wondering about him..so glad to see his little face. How precious!