Monday, October 20, 2008


Yesterday my baby turned two years old!!! It is so bitter sweet to see how big he's getting. His truely turning into a little person and is no longer a little baby anymore, although he'll always be my baby!

We had a very busy birthday weekend! Bobby's and my family came down to help celebrate his birthday. It was so great having everyone here! We had his birthday party at the exploreum on Sat. and he had the best time! I was a little apprehensive about having his party somewhere that they did everything for you, mostly because I'm a control freak, but it went so well! I absolutely recommend having a child's birthday party there! I got to choose from 4 different themes and then they did all the decorations, paper products, punch and even a cake from Pollman's Bakery (for those of you who aren't familiar with Pollman's it is one of the best bakeries in Mobile) to match the theme! Here are some pictures from the party!

On Sunday we went to breakfast with my family before they left and then we took Parker to Toys R Us to pick out a toy with some of his birthday money. He had so much fun running around the isles and trying out different toys before he settled on a Seasame Street Aphabet Toy (he's played with non-stop since he brought it home). Also if you join the Toys R Us Birthday Club you recieve a gift card to use at TRU, a phone call from Geoffery, and when you go into the store on their birthday they also get a balloon and a crown. Here is a picture of Parker all decked out on the ride home. I had to take it with my cell phone so its not very clear but I thought it was too cute not to post!

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