Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Portraits

When I do a planned portrait session with the boys I really try to be very easy going about the whole thing which I must confess is rather difficult for me.  I keep telling myself sometimes the silliness in the pictures at this age will only help me remember later in life what they're little personalities were really like.

I even got Callie in on the Christmas portrait action!  She's so good about letting me do anything to her.   I think she's quickly beginning to be my favorite subject!

The pictures of her were taken with my Christmas present from Bobby and the boys!!! I can't say enough about how great it is! I loved my old camera and it was perfect for getting started in the digital SLR world but I think the canon 60D is going to be just what I need to take my photography to the next level!

1 comment:

Marsha said...

I know you're excited about your new camera! :-) Looking forward to seeing all the pictures you take with it!