Monday, July 5, 2010

Watermelon Festival

We've had a pretty busy 4th of July weekend and while I'll post more about our actual 4th festivities first I wanted to share about the fun we had at the Watermelon Festival in Grand Bay. I heard about it through a local blogger who was posting fun things to do along the gulf coast this weekend. I didn't really know what to expect but the advertisement said free watermelon and I thought well if nothing else at least we'll get a little treat! I was actually pleasantly surprised by what all they had going on! The boys had a lot of fun playing in the bouncy houses, riding the little trackless train and checking out the petting zoo. There were also a couple local musical groups playing in a pavilion on the edge of the grounds and several crafters had booths set up selling some very cute handmade items.

I love the way the watermelon looks all piled up just begging for people to come eat up its sweet and juicy goodness.

Carter was more than happy to oblige the calls of the melon (and the man that kept yelling "COME GET THIS MELON!!!") but Parker...not so much :)

We also enjoyed a little fair food and...

a little sharing ;)

I think I need to add a porch and railing to our "musts for the next house" list just so I have a reason to get some of these cute little bunting flag!

Although I was a little apprensive about the festival, I'm really glad we went! The boys were in a super mood and we couldn't have asked for nicer weather! Just the type of fun we needed to round out our 4th of July weekend!

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