Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July

This year I was pretty excited about the 4th of July. I knew both boys were finally old enough to be in awe of the fireworks and could stay up late enough to watch them. This year was going to be good!

That afternoon we set off a few smoke bombs Bobby bought earlier in the week.

He also picked up a couple boxes of poppers and the boys had a great time throwing them all over the patio in the backyard.

I also tried to take some pictures of the boys in their 4th/summer outfits. I decided I didn't want to make anything too 4th of Julyish so they could wear it for the rest of the summer and the crabs fit the bill!
*Side note: I could barely get them to sit next to each other let alone look at me and smile so sorry Carter has his whole hand in his mouth but you take what you can get ;)

We'd also decided it would be fun to take the boys to see the firework show at the USS Battleship down on the bay. We were all set to go! Carter had taken a late nap and I had even convinced Parker to take a nap that day (something he hasn't done in a few months now)! Well, about 30 mins before we left there was a torrential downpour! We were really worried it would rain again as soon as we got down there so instead we took a drive across the bay. We had an amazing view of both the Mobile and Daphne fireworks as we drove across the bridge! The boys LOVED it! I tried to get a few pictures of some of the fireworks, but with the car bumping so much they were all really blurry.

When we got home we shot off some more of the fireworks Bobby bought. Parker was a little hesitant about holding the sparklers at first but Bobby was able to talk him into it and by the time we were ready to go in he was holding it all by himself.

We also got out a couple of the fountain rockets but only shot one of them off. After we realized how loud the first one was we thought we probably would've been run out of the neighborhood if we lit the other one being as late as it was.

Even though we didn't get to do all we had planned this 4th we still had a GREAT weekend! We are so blessed to live in a place where we can have fun times like these in freedom and safety! Happy 4th of July!

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