Thursday, July 16, 2009

A couple of weeks in rewind

Sorry I missed a week in the rewind but we really haven't had a whole lot going on recently.

I overestimated Parker's potty training abilities and took him to Hobby Lobby with his big boy underwear on. He did really well while in the store but on the way home he just couldn't hold it. I had to take his car seat completely apart to clean it. It was in need of a cleaning anyways but it definitely wasn't something I wanted to tackle on that particular day. Needless to say we won't be leaving the house without a pull-up on for quite some time.

Yesterday was Bobby's 27th birthday so Parker made him a card and we also baked brownies for when he got home. Unfortunately Bobby started a shut-down this week and he didn't get home until 10:00 last night!!! He was exhausted! I felt so badly for him that he had to spend most of his birthday at work, so we're going to do some of the stuff we had planned tonight instead! Here's a picture of Parker working VERY hard on daddy's birthday card!

Carter has gotten really good a reaching for what he wants and if it's brightly colored it makes it even more appealing. This was made even more obvious the other morning while the boys were laying on our bed. Parker was sitting with his back to Carter watching cartoons. Carter noticed the brightly colored mickey mouse faces on Parker's underwear and started trying to pick them off Parker's bottom, haha! What's even funnier is Parker was oblivious to it until I started laughing! I know they're going LOVE this picture one day!

A few evenings ago I was getting the boys ready for bed while Bobby was on his way home. I promise you it wasn't more than three seconds after I had put Carter in the bath tub and turned around to call for Parker to come and get in the tub that the power went out. It completely freaked me out because I looked back at the tub and I couldn't see Carter at all. I immediately felt around and snatched him up...he was perfectly fine of course but it still made my heart leap into my throat. After I got my heart rate back into a normal sinus rhythm, I got our Coleman lantern out and finished giving them their baths, talk about resourceful huh?!

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