Monday, June 29, 2009

Week in Rewind

It's that time again! Time to rewind the week and see what we've been up to! Brace yourself, this is going to be rather lengthy!

I think Parker is OFFICIALLY potty trained!!! He has been pee-peeing and pooping on the potty for the past week and as a mini celebration of that I took him to target and let him pick out his very own big boy underwear. For the record he chose Cars, Diego and Mickey Mouse! He also conquered another hurtle in the potty training battle today by going pee-pee on the potty at Target!!! I was SOOOO VERRRYYYY proud of him! I know so many people have said boys are harder to potty train than girls and from the many horror stories I've heard I would have to say that is normally very true but I think Parker is one of the exceptions. I attribute much of his successful pottying to letting him do it all by himself! For him I think he needs that independence and to be able to figure it out all by himself. He even shuts the door while he's in the's so cute!

This has all been rather bitter sweet for me. While I'm REALLY excited I only have to change one bottom now, seeing my baby in underwear now makes it even more painfully obvious that he is not a baby anymore and is moving farther and farther away from being one everyday. I guess they've got to grow up some time, right?

I started bathing the boys together a couple weeks ago to save a little time during the bedtime routine and I think they both really enjoy it. It's taken Parker a little while to realize he can't splash around as much anymore but I think it's working out really well. (sorry for the flower on the picture but as you can tell Carter's not really so good at the modesty thing yet, haha!)

Carter has finally realized that he can make some pretty neat noises and has been amusing himself (and not to mention the rest of us) non-stop with them. He is really into the fake cough right now and is too funny to watch when he really gets into it. I'll try and get some video of it soon.

Parker has started saying some really funny things lately but it seems like there has been more than usual this week. For instance last night he and Bobby were playing on the floor when Parker notice Bobby had a scrap on his leg and asked "what dat?" Bobby in turn said "a boo-boo." Parker with his little compassionate heart said "what happen...ou pall down?" Another on occurred while we were shopping at Target the other day (can you tell I like Target a little bit?). I was in the women's section looking at shorts and all of the sudden Parker kept repeating (to no one in particular) "I pee pee in the potty! I pee pee in the potty!" Good times!

There will be more details to come, but this past week I was asked to do one of my outfits as a giveaway on a wonderful blog I recently came across called We haven't worked out all the details quite yet but I'm am so honored that she thought so much of my clothing to want to do this contest! Check back in the next few days for the low down on when this is going to take place!

This picture has really nothing to do with anything we did this week, I just thought it was cute!

I hope everyone has a GREAT week and see you at the next rewind!

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