Monday, June 22, 2009

Not Me Monday renamed!

Bobby decided he doesn't like the format of Not Me Monday and since this is "our" blog and not just mine I'll be doing things a little differently. I'm still going to post the little funny/interesting snippets from our week but from now on I'll just tell it like it happened instead of trying to disguise it with a "not". I'll also be calling it Our Week in Rewind! So, here we go!

Parker has been pee-peeing in the potty REALLY well for the past few days! I'm soooo proud of the progress he's been making! He sometimes won't even tell me he has to go he just takes off his pull-up and runs into the bathroom to do his thing. We're still having some problems with number 2 but from what I've heard that's to be expected, especially with little boys.

Carter tricked me into thinking he was making some strides into cutting out his early morning feeding this past week. He went 11 1/2 hours last Sunday and it was HEAVEN! He's only done this a hand full of times. I'm hoping he'll be past it by the time he turns 7 months so I won't have to perform a little tough love on him ;)

I've started making some of Carter's baby food to save a little money and it's working out great! So far I've made sweet potatoes, carrots and bananas. He LOVES them!
Happy Father's Day to my wonderful Daddy!!! I miss you so very much and can't wait to see you in August! I hope your day was a GREAT one!

1 comment:

The Ranew Family said...

Yay for Parker. I am so glad he is doing so well with going potty. Carter is just precious, too. I love the picture of him sleeping. So sweet. Hope you are well this week!!