Saturday, April 11, 2009

What a week!

We've had a very interesting week here at the Stinson house! Some of it good and some not so great. I think I'll start with the good seeing as I feel like the not so good parts have kind of taken over this week.

Well for starters, Carter has rolled over by himself three times!!! I can not believe he's only 3 months old and already starting to roll over. Parker was around 4 or 5 months old before he finally conquered that milestone. I've been a little nervous about Carter sleeping in his bed because although he can make it over onto his belly he can't quite get his arms out from under himself which causes he's face to be smooched into the floor/mattress. I've been sleeping with the video monitor screen on and every time I hear him make a noise I have to check to make sure he's still on his side or far so good!

Also, Carter turned 3 months old on Wed.! I know I say this every time he turns a new month but it's hard to believe my baby is already 3 months old! This means he is officially no longer a newborn. He's such a good baby too, so laid back and easy going! He'll lay on his play mat and talk to his toys for such a long time. He especially likes the little vibrating fish toy we have for him. He gets so excited when he sees it that he'll start kicking his little legs and waving his arms up and down. I know he's not doing it on purpose but he even looks like he's making a fish face when he sees it. Here's a couple pictures of him with it.

Now for the not so great part of the week. Parker has had Hands, Foot and Mouth Disease since Tuesday. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, it's a rather common childhood illness that gives the infected person a rash on his/her hands and feet and blisters in his/her mouth...hence the name. You would think by the name it's something someone gets from a third world country! It's really not even that serious of a disease although it is HIGHLY contagious. I called our pediatrician and she said there's nothing you can do but give Tylenol and Motrin for the discomfort. They also told me to make sure he doesn't get too dehydrated because the blisters in his mouth will cause him not to want to eat or drink anything. He's been pretty pitiful for most of the week :( Because of the blisters in his mouth, he's not really ate much more than yogurt and bananas for the past few days. We only had a couple really rough days and one night he ended up sleeping in the bed with us so I guess it could have been worse. My biggest fear has been that Carter will get it, so I've been trying with all my might not to let Parker touch him and I've been washing my hands like crazy before I pick him up! So far nothing has shown up on Carter but this thing has such a long incubation period that we probably won't be out of the clear until the end of next week :(

I was told that they are still contagious until the sores in their mouth are gone so we decided to forgo the Easter Egg Hunt at Bellingrath today. We are also going to have to miss church tomorrow as well. Of all the weekends for this to happen of course it's going to be on the one when we've got so much going on! Oh well, I guess their always next year. I decided since we can't do all the things we'd planned on outside the home, I'd bring a little fun to us so tomorrow I'm planning on doing a little egg hunt for Parker in the backyard. I also thought he'd enjoy decorating some cookies and dying some eggs. I want to make sure he's aware of what the true meaning of Easter is so I also have a craft planned to help explain Christ's resurrection to him. Who knows...this just might be the best Easter ever! I'll post some pictures from the day soon. Until then everyone have a VERY blessed Easter! He Lives indeed!

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