Thursday, April 2, 2009

Long Time No Blog

I realize it's been a while since I've posted the latest going ons at the Stinson abode and that's because there really hasn't been anything too blog worthy to write about! Everyone's doing very well...growing way too quickly! Carter has been sleeping all night for the past two weeks minus one random night about a week ago! I can't tell you what a blessing a full nights sleep has been! God knows exactly what I can and cannot handle and I truly think that's why he has blessed me with two GREAT sleepers ;) Carter is such a happy baby and really only cries if he's hungry or sleepy. The only complaint I have is he's not a very good napper but I think he's trying to get in enough feedings during the day so he can make it all night. He's like a little camel!

Parker is getting to be such a big boy! He's new favorite thing to do is watch Planet Earth over and over again. We were a little worried some of the fighting and killing scenes would upset him but all he says is "they not nice". I'm amazed every day at all the things he already knows and how much more he is learning. He knows all the ABC's and even a few of the sounds they make, can count to 10 without skipping any numbers, and knows all of his colors. He still absolutely adores Carter and asks me to put him on the floor all the time so he can lay next to him and talk to him. Although he's still like a bull in a china shop when it comes to his little brother, I can tell he's really trying to be more gentle. All in all he's a pretty good little boy!

Bobby and I are so truly blessed! God is so GOOD!

Parker thought it would be funny to put his sunglasses on Carter!

Could they look anymore alike?

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