Saturday, November 20, 2010

Washington Square

I've been looking for a new place to take picture of the boys so a friend told me about Washington Square. I was looking for a park or something that had some of those beautiful fall trees I've been seeing around town and while the square didn't have any trees like that in it, there were a couple in the yards surrounding the park. The houses lining the park's boarders were beautiful. I just LOVE old southern homes and this square was in no shortage of them. It also had some beautiful oak trees with low swinging branches that Parker had a blast hanging from. I really didn't even plan on taking any pictures while we were there but I grabbed my camera on the way out just in case! Take a look at some of my just in case shots! Although I love the way Parker looks in these pictures I must confess, I tried something new with my camera when I took these pictures and I'm not really sure why but they came out a little grainy. Needless to say I won't be using that setting again ;)

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