Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat!

We had a very busy but super fun Halloween! We're in the process of getting the house ready to put on the market so most of the weekend was spent doing odd jobs around the house but we did take some time out to dress up and get a little candy. We got the boys in their costumes and took them to the Kid's Fest at Cottage Hill Baptist Church. While I think they had a good time, there was so much to do and I think they got a little overwhelmed with it all so we came home and did a little trick or treating at a few of our neighbors' houses.

In case you can't tell Parker was a shark and Carter was a scuba diver! After looking in a magazine with Parker to get an idea of what he wanted to be he saw a shark costume and fell in love with it. When I saw one at TJ Max I just had to get it for him! Then the trouble came of what to do about Carter's cosutme. I knew I wanted them to coordinate but I was having a really hard time coming up with something when Bobby said "what about letting him be a scuba diver". I thought it was a great idea but knew I'd never be able to find one in his size so Bobby and I made enitre costume ourselves and I think it turned out pretty darn cute. We even had someone take a picture of Carter at the Kid's Fest and tell us we needed to enter them in a contest of some sort, LOL!