Sunday, June 13, 2010

Schools In Session!

While most of the country is out of school for the summer here at the Stinson house hold we're just starting back up! As you'll remember we tried to do a little of this while I was pregnant but with being pregnant and then having a newborn I didn't keep up with it like I wanted to/should have. I now feel like I have the time to get everything together and with both boys able to do "school" its been that much more fun to plan and do. I'm using the preschool curriculum from 1+1+1=1 and her workboxes idea for Parker. For Carter I'm also using the 1+1+1=1 blog but with him I'm doing the Tot Trays and Tools from her Tot School section. They are LOVING it! Over the weekend Parker probably asked a dozen times each day if he could do school today! This week we worked on:

Letter - L
Number - 1
Sight word - see
Bible verse - Matthew 5:16
Bible Story - Daniel in the Lions Den

Want to see exactly what we've been doing?

Parker reading from his Easy Reader for the Letter "L". I was amazed at how quickly he picked up on his first sight word "see"!

Working on his
road letter. He put the cars on it at first (you can see a couple next to his arm) but took them off and starting drawing on it before I could take a picture.

These are Pom Pom Numbers I made to help Parker with number recognition and counting. He needs a good deal of work with counting 1:1.

He really enjoyed these!

We also worked on his gluing and cutting skills. I took pictures of the gluing but I was a little too stressed during the cutting exercises to take any pictures ;)

We also got out the playdoh just for a little fun! This was Carter's first time playing with playdoh and of course he immediately took a bite of it when I wasn't looking. After he realized it didn't taste very good he didn't try that anymore!

Parker also worked on his fine motor skills with transferring cotton balls with tongs. These are some of the Tot School Tools I mentioned above. I'm using some of them for Parker as well as Carter.

Carter working on pouring from one container to another.

Here he's trying to string pasta on a pipe cleaner. He had a rather hard time and wanted me to help him a lot with this one.

He did far better with this activity than I thought he would. To make this tool I took a old bread crumb container and punched holes in the top with a hole punch so he can stick pipe cleaners through the holes. All the pipe cleaners are different colors so when he starts recognizing colors we can add that level of difficulty to this exercise.

When I did school with Parker before I found that he didn't want to sit still for long while doing our bible study but I saw on this blog where she introduces rather important information to her kids while they eat lunch, GENIUS! I decided breakfast would be a perfect time for us and I was right. They both have been listening really well to the story and Parker actually wanted to talk about the story a little after its over. This was also I good time to work on his memory verse. I was worried this week's verse was going to be a little too much for him to remember but he actually surprised me by only needing help with a couple of words by the end of the week, WOW!

I can not tell you how much fun we are having with our "school" time! I feel like its given us a little more structure to our day while having LOTS of fun together!

This picture really has nothing to do with school but I just thought it was sweet. Parker's been teaching Carter how to sing and dance to London Bridge is Falling Down and they both get such a kick out of falling down together! Too Cute!

I'm hoping to be able to post our school fun weekly so stay tuned!

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