Monday, June 21, 2010

Preschool School and Tot School

This past week we kept things pretty light in the school department. This was due to poor planning on my part. I thought doing my planning on the weekends for the next week would work but the planning is taking a little longer than I thought. I've decided to do a couple weeks in advance that way I don't feel overwhelmed with it every Sunday night. We were able to complete the entire lesson plan for this week but didn't do much beyond that (as is pretty evident by the lack of pictures). Poor Carter hardly had any trays to do this week and the ones he did do I didn't get any pictures of them :(

I promise this won't be the case for the next two weeks. I already have both weeks planned out and all but a few projects put together. I think my goal will be to have 3 weeks done in advance! I also need to get my "stuff" organized a little better so putting it out every evening won't be a chore. Anyways, onto the important stuff.

We worked on the following things this week:

Letter: Tt
Number: 2
Color: Blue
Sight Word: :the"
Bible Verse: "Thou shall not steal." Exodus 20:15
Bible Story: The 10 Commandments

Parker's working on a
color puzzle I made for him.

Here he's practicing the lines that it takes to make a "T" on his Getting Ready for T sheet.

Now onto the real thing! He did much better this week taking his time and trying very hard to stay on the tracing lines.

As with the first week he is blowing me away with how easily he is picking up his sight words! The easy reader this week incorporated this week's and last week's sight word so he was able to read most the words all by himself!

I did an
assessment with Parker this week to see how much he already knew and what we needed to work on. Overall I was pretty impressed with what he already knew especially when it came to how many little letters he already knew considering we haven't worked on very many of them yet. There were a few things he needs a bit more practice with or some reminders on.

Parker's preschool program can be found
here and Carter's Tot School ideas came from here. Also, here is a list of the blogs/websites I get most of my ideas or printables from in case you were wondering:

Confessions of a Homeschooler - she has a wonderful preschool program. I use a lot of her printables to supplement the program I'm doing with Parker from 1+1+1=1.

Totally Tots - so far I'm only using this site for their "Now I Know My ABCs" posts. I can tell they have some great stuff beyond this but I haven't had a chance to really go through it yet.

Making Learning Fun - GREAT free printables!

DLTK's - another wonderful printables site!

I hope that gives you all a few resources to start doing some "school" with your kids!

1 comment:

The Ranew Family said...

Hey girl. I am loving your posts on how school is going. Keep it up!! You're so creative:)