Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Carter!

I can't believe that in just two short years Carter has gone from this sweet cuddly newborn to...

...this precious little boy!

There aren't enough words to express the joy and love he's brought to our family!  Over the last two years its been so fun to watch him grow into the sweet, funny and smart little guy that he's become.  Even though he was a little slow to start talking you wouldn't know that now.  He's vocabulary grows more and more every day (especially within in the last few months) and he's really starting to copy words we want him to try to say.  It won't be long before he's talking our ears off!  He even knows several letters (B, D, E and O) and will point them out on signs as we drive around town.  Within the last week I've even noticed him starting to work on recognizing different colors, yellow seems to be his favorite (just like Parker).  Smart little boy!

Its also been fun to see his and Parker's relationship grow over the last 2 years.  They know how to push each others buttons (they are brothers after all) but sometimes I'm amazed at how well they get along.  I love to hear Parker ask Carter if he wants him to play something with him and Carter will almost always give a very enthusiastic "YEAH"!

We've been blessed beyond anything we ever dreamed or deserve when God sent us this sweet little boy!  Happy Birthday Carter Evan!!!  We love you more than you will ever know! 

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Happy birthday, sweet boy!! :-D