Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Carter's Birthday(s)

Carter ended up having 2 birthday celebrations this year because I kind of let his party planning get lost in the Christmas time shuffle.  Poor Carter!  I'm afraid his plight in life will be that he was born 2 weeks after Christmas.  I vow next year to start planning his party in Nov.

We had planned to have his party on his actual birthday but because I waited to the last minute to 1. decide where we were having it and 2. make the call to reserve our spot we had to have it on the Sat. after his birthday. To make up for it we took him and Parker to the Exploreum and then out to lunch. Here are some pictures from our morning.

He had a great time!  I even scored him some free desert at lunch.  I know our waiter probably thought I was lying when I said "its his birthday today!" and pointed to Carter but oh well!

The next weekend we had his party at the Watermelon Patch.  He had all of his favorite friends there minus a few that couldn't make it.  We frequent the Watermelon Patch for playdates a good bit and Carter always has a blast so I knew it would be the perfect place for his party and boy was I right!  He had a GREAT time!

Happy Birthday Carter Evan!  We love you so much and can't wait to celebrate many more years with you!

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