Thursday, January 28, 2010

Carter at ONE

This is definitely a little over due but better late than never, right?

When he went for his one year check-up he weighted 19lbs 11oz and was 30.25'' long! His doctor said he's looking GREAT!!! He got a few shots and cried for a second but was over it really quickly!

Here are a few things he's doing right now:

*Drinking whole milk - he did great with the transition!
*Drinking only from a sippy cup - this was not quite as easy to transition to.
*Sleeping from about 8pm to 7am the next morning (one of my favorite things I might add).
*Is still taking two naps.
*Standing all by himself and trying to take steps but is not quite there yet.
*Tries to take toys from his brother any chance he gets.
*Is eating solid foods exclusively and loving pretty much anything I put in front of him (even the green veggies)!
*Will wave bye bye occasionally.
*Claps when you ask him to sometimes.
*When you ask him what the dinosaur says he'll roar! Its hilarious to watch! Can you imagine where he might have learned this little trick ;)
*Will say dada but not mama yet :(
*Loves throwing balls to anyone who will catch it!
*Loves doing anything Parker's doing (he's practically his little shadow)!
*Has 8 teeth and is in the process of cutting one of his bottom molars.

He is one funny little guy! In one respect I can't believe how fast the past year has gone by but in another it seems like he's always been a part of our family. We are BEYOND blessed to have been given such a wonderful little boy!

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