Thursday, March 12, 2009

I HEART Appliques

First let me say I'd put the cute little heart symbol in the title of this post instead of the word if I knew how to. If anyone could advise me on how to do that I would certainly appreciate it! And while were on the subject of blogging tutorials could someone please tell me how you insert a link in your post but have it as just one word instead of the entire copied link. Does that make sense?

Now for the real post material! I have just learned how to do appliques on my embroidery machine and I'm TOTALLY obsessed! I found a website where I can download super cute inexpensive designs. It's called If you do any type of embroidery you must check it out! I also was informed by a friend of mine a website that sells inexpensive blank children's clothing to do my appliques on. It's called I have soooo many ideas for outfits for the boys...I just wish I had the time to do them all. Here are a few things I've made so far:

I'm also planning on selling some appliqued items on my etsy shop when I open back up in May. I'll be sure to post some of those when I've ironed out all my ideas!

Monday, March 9, 2009

No One's Safe

Bobby has always told me you're never safe from a picture being taken of you when you're sleeping with your baby and he's right!

Bobby and Carter

Bobby and Parker

2 Months Old

Carter turned 2 months old yesterday. It's hard to remember what it was like not to have him a part of our family. It feels like he's always been with us. He's smiling and cooing more and more every day and he LOVES watching his brother play around him. As shameful as it is to admit this, he also really likes to watch tv. Sometimes it comes in handy in the evenings when he's fussy and there's nothing I can do to make him happy. I don't let him watch too much so I guess its okay ;)

He went for his 2 month check up today and he weights 10lbs 4oz and is 22 1/2in. long. The doctor was very happy with his growth and said he looks wonderful! He also got 2 shots and did very well with both of them. He'd pretty much stopped crying by the time the nurse was putting on the band-aides. I guess I have two tough little boys on my hands ;)
Yesterday after church I decided to do a little "photo shoot" while he was still dressed in he's church outfit so here are some of the pictures that came out half way decent. Enjoy!

That half smile just kills me!

Big yawn!

Must have been a sweet dream!

This signaled the end of the "photo shoot"!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First Smiles!

Carter smiled at me for the first time a few days ago and although the pictures don't do justice to just how precious that little smile is, at least I was able to catch a little bit of it. You have to be quick on the draw to catch those first smiles! That face just brightens my day!

Couldn't you just eat him up!!!


Just in case you were wondering Bobby taught him this: